Never ever have financial reports been presented this clear!
The Visual Tool enables:
Quick overview of companies financial situation and development
Presentation material of corporate financial situations
Compare over 110,000 international public companies using data from Morningstar
In addition to analyzing and presenting your own data, you can easily analyze a customer or supplier. Bisgraf offers about 116.000 companies data, from Morningstar's database.
In addition to a quick look at the company's financial history, it is also possible to simulate future scenarios. See what happens if sales increase, if costs change or why not, how much can cash increase if we change credit times?
Public data
Data from limited companies throughout the world are directly accessible in Bisgraf via connection to Morningstar's year-end database.
Presentation tool for better financial communication
Use Bisgraf at your next presentation! - As a basis for discussion or to find new business opportunities.
Bisgraf is based on the Bonanza Method that is used, amongst others, by: